Generally, moisturizers don't really go well with oily skin.
However, that doesn't mean that one should neglect his/her
moisturizing skincare steps in their daily routine, as more face
sebum (oil) will unfortunately be secreted, if the skin is detected
to be dry, which is why some people have oily combination skin
— extremely oily at the T-zone skin area & dry at other skin area.
NOTE : We've previously covered about moisturizers,
so you can go on & click HERE to check out the post!
(it opens up in a new tab so don't worry about that)

Nature Republic Aloe Vera Gel is claimed to be the best million-selling
moisturizer gel in South Korea, which made about 30 times of sold-outs
in a year, spanning across 1.50 million times of sales — which is insane!
With its main ingredients consisted of 92% of aloe vera extract,
Nature Republic Aloe Vera Gel is positively approved by the CCOF
(California Certified Organic Farmers) to contain real 90% of the aloe,
which serves to combat redness & dryness around your face, arm, leg,
and basically other parts of your body, whilst leaving a cooling sensation
as well as natural fragrance after each application. In addition to its ability
to sooth irritated and dry skin, this gel also provides vitamin to the skin!
Currently retailing at the price of RM32.90, this product is one of the most
affordable branded gel moisturizer that we've ever encountered thus far.

Whilst doing research on this product, we found out that there's
a considerable amount of reviews that warned people about the
existence of a knock-off version of this gel in the current market,
which we would like to kindly remind you to ONLY get the product
from the official store and its website to ensure the authenticity of
the product you've bought. It's always better to be safe than sorry!
We've both (each) personally bought this product from the original
store and tested it out for a period no less than three months' time,
and here's what we thought :
Upon using it for the first few weeks, the results are as promising
as the product details claimed. If you live in a hot/humid country
like Malaysia, Singapore, or Indonesia, this product is really good
in the sense that it leaves you a hint of natural fragrance as well as
a cooling sensation — which is MUCH NEEDED in these countries.
After applying the product onto the skin, it takes no longer than
half a minute for the product to be completely blended and absorbed
into the skin, which makes it a suitable product to be used as a hair
moisturizer AS WELL! Different from the normal moisturizers, this
product hardly leaves ANY annoying greasy residue on the skin.
(which is, pretty OBVIOUS lah since it's in the form of gel)
As tempting as it is for you to slap this gel like gold onto your face,
all the amount of product that you actually need for the entire face
should not be too much — OR ELSE it would defy its purpose as
a non-greasy-looking-moisturizer. Always remember, less is more!

Coming in the form of gel, is this moisturizer suitable for ALL types of skin?
In our humble opinion, it MAY not be suitable for all skin types, unfortunately.
After several weeks of testing, we noticed that this product seem to gradually
lose its effect on oily combination skin (as both of us possess). In my case,
I find not much of a problem from using this product, apart from the fact that
my skin ended up adapting to the oil-control effect of this product & resumed
its oiliness merely after 30 minutes of the application of this product — which
is EXACTLY THE SAME rate of oiliness as when I did not apply the product.
In our other editor, Kiar's case, he decided to STOP using this product
after three months' of testing, after noticing that this product has made his
skin feeling tighter than usual. Furthermore, he was told by a beautician,
whom did his facial cleaning on regular basis, that his skin is becoming dryer
than it normally is. It was later concluded that the ALCOHOL ingredient in the
product is the culprit behind his dry skin. Hence, we came to a conclusion that
this product should be used sparingly for both oily and oily combination skin
& be used cautiously by those with dry skin, due to the amount of active alcohol.
Would we recommend this product?
Yes, absolutely. Just try to alternate
this product with other moisturizers
once in a while, for best results.
The general review for this product is still OVERWHELMINGLY positive,
so we would suggest you to go check out those reviews too, before
committing to use this product on your skin. Nonetheless, we'll still
leave the link to the product for those who're interested to purchase!
PS : Don't forget to check out our beauty page too
to check out our skincare product recommendation!
Yours truly, K & Z.

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